Dr. Jerimiah Sabir is the Executive Director of the Dr. Bernett L. Johnson, Jr.
Sayre Health Center as of May 3, 2021. Previously held positions are Vice President of Operations and Healthcare Consultation with the Life Course Development Center (LCDC), Director with the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Deputy Director with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and several other leadership roles with state, federal, local government and institutional organizations. Dr. Sabir has a wealth of academic accomplishments such as a Bachelors in Psychology, Masters degree of Healthcare Administration, Masters degree of Business Administration, Dr.Ph(c) of Public Health specializing in Social Epidemiology (ABD) and a Doctorate degree of Business Administration specializing in Healthcare Leadership and Management. In addition, Dr. Sabir has a passion for teaching and gives back to the community by sharing his knowledge and experience to student populations across the nation and worldwide as an Adjunct/Visiting Professor.
Dr. Sabir is a Subject Matter Expert (SME) in Healthcare and Business administration and focuses his abilities on holistic approaches to addressing social determinants of health and therefore has made state and national presentations to professional groups to address the socioeconomic issues that plague many populations across the nation. A passionate Capstone of his career is the revitalization of communities to create optimum living conditions for underrepresented communities to enhance their environment and when relocation was viable provided ideal living accommodations in specific geographic locations.
As Executive Director for the BLJ Sayre Health Center, Dr. Sabir looks to make the center a leader amongst healthcare providers and to set trends for the healthcare population locally and nationally.